Backup Plan

Having a solid backup plan is one of the most important things you should address, whether it is for your business or personal items. But just having a plan is only part of the process. Implementing, and auditing is just as, if not more important.

Having a backup procedure in place does not matter if you don’t do it. If you backup locally on to an external hard drive, or flash drive, check them. Rotate them. Verify them. If you haven’t done that, are you sure you’ve really backed things up?

Make sure you have a policy and procedure to backup your data. And audit that process. Try and think of worst case scenarios. If there was a catastrophic fire at your office, are all backups housed on site? Where would you go from there? If you only backup to one device, and that fails, what do you do now?

Backing up is not just for business. Would you like to look your spouse in the eye and explain losing all the digital photos of your kids? Or one day realize that all your years of personal data was gone in an instant? T

here are lots of easy and affordable backup options. Find and choose one. Then make sure you do it. And check it.